Project Description: Everyday objects to an artist are not so everyday. The artist manipulates the space and world around them by redefining how items are seen and utilized. Designers and craftsman create practical objects of great beauty. Their art is oriented to accentuate a space with purpose. There are artists that take those purposes and adapt them to suit the aesthetic concepts and voice they want to portray.
Essential Questions: What can art be made of? What makes something an artistic object? How can you imagine the functional products we use on a day to day basis be re-purposed? Reduce, reuse, recycle. How can you make this apply to art? Activity 1: Watch the youtube videos below of Mark Taber and Reuben Margolin. Take notes on what his big ideas are for his work. Using your notes, devise a "shopping list" for yourself of intriguing objects that you've encountered. What is the central theme of these objects? Activity 2: Sketch a possible assemblage of the objects from Activity 1 in order to tell a story. What are the elements that the story centers around? Consider Artists such as Do-Ho Suh (button attached at bottom of page) and how he tells his personal stories through the objects he creates/alters. Activity 3: Understanding these artists and their goals, how has your object selection been driven by your personal story? What ties you to these objects? Why did you decide to assemble them in the fashion you sketched? See how many of these objects you can find that are key to your sculpture. Create a full scale still life of the objects in the pattern in which you see them assembled using charcoals. Activity 4: Display with your class the drawings as a single exhibit. When you have looked at all of the works, take other people's objects and with charcoal add them to your assemblage. Where would you put such a thing? How does it effect the space in which it is placed? Write a reflection on this and the process of making the concept drawings. |